Certifications wp-admin-garden 6 September 2024

aware of the importance of the ESG factor, has recognized the need to establish a documented Integrated System within its own organisation, in full compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015, ISO 10002:2181, ISO 18295-1:2017, ISO 45001:2018, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 37001:2016, ISO\IEC 27001:2022, ISO 22301:2019 and concerning the social part the SA 8000.

CONCERTO has structured an integrated POLICY that defines, in line with the company’s mission, the standards to be maintained and the objectives to be achieved for each standard.

UNI EN ISO 9001:2015

In day-to-day management, quality control is carried out using both informal and formal criteria. The informal criteria are based on continuous contact with the client, ensured from time to time by accounts and supervisors and random checks carried out by supervisors to verify that phone operators comply with established standards. Formal criteria are used to monitor the activity, internally and externally, using qualitative and quantitative tools that are agreed with the customer on a case-by-case basis based on the variables identified as significant.

ISO 10002:2018

The 2018 ISO 10002 standard “Contact center service delivery – handling of complaints for customer” provides guidance for the process of dealing with complaints about products and services within an organization, including planning, design, operation, maintenance and improvement. The complaint handling process described above is suitable for use as one of the processes in a quality management system as a whole. The correct handling of complaints determines loyalty and reputation.

ISO 37001:2016

Anti-corruption certification The ISO 37001 anti-corruption certification represents the first international anti-corruption standard. ISO 37001:2016, sets out management system requirements designed to help you prevent, detect and respond to corruption, as well as comply with anti-corruption laws and voluntary commitments applicable to the organization’s activities.

ISO 22301

The international standard on business continuity allows you to understand and prioritize threats for your company. ISO 22301 specifies the requirements for a management system to help protect and reduce the likelihood of accidents and ensure that operations can be resumed after outages.

ISO 45001:2018

The 2018 UNI ISO 45001 standard “Management systems for health and safety at work – requirements and guidance for use” is the first international standard to define minimum standards of good practice for the protection of workers worldwide. Establishes a framework to improve safety, reduce workplace risks and improve the health and well-being of workers, Thus enabling any organisation that chooses to certify its management system under accreditation to increase its health and safety performance. Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) with the contribution of experts from more than 70 countries in the world, and adopted at national level by the Italian Standards Body (UNI), provides an international framework that takes into account the interaction between the company and its business. Born to ensure consistency between the various ISO standards on management systems, UNI ISO 45001 adopts its High Level Structure (HLS – High Level Structure) and the main innovations.

EN ISO 14001

The EN ISO 14001 standard is the normative reference point for companies and organizations with an Environmental Management System. The standard defines an “Environmental Management System” as part of a business management system to manage environmental aspects, meet regulatory compliance requirements and address and assess risks and opportunities. The Environmental Management System is characterized by the development and implementation of the environmental policy and objectives that commit the organization to full compliance binding (legislative) and voluntary (against additional voluntary or market-driven requirements). The organisation itself then subscribes to these requirements in order to establish or integrate into its internal organisational system rules for effective management with reference to significant environmental aspects. The environmental management system shall be developed with reference to the requirements specified in UNI EN ISO 14001. The degree of implementation depends on factors such as: the organisation’s environmental policy, the nature of its activities, products and services, location and conditions under which the organisation operates.

ISO/IEC 27001:2022

This international standard helps organizations protect critical information through a systematic and consistent approach, reducing security risk and increasing trust from customers and partners. The 2022 update of ISO/IEC 27001 introduces significant improvements that make the framework more flexible and responsive to modern business needs, enabling Concerto to face the security challenges in an increasingly digital and interconnected environment. Through the implementation of this standard, Concerto srl will not only improve its information security, but also strengthen its position in the market, demonstrating a concrete commitment to data protection and regulatory compliance.


SA8000 is a management system (ref. 9001) focused on working conditions. It is the internationally recognized accredited standard that meets the needs of organizations that want to stand out for their commitment to sustainable development and in particular for social issues. The structure of the SA8000 standard is based on nine social requirements which take into account key issues such as: respect for human rights; respect for workers’ rights; protection against child exploitation; The guarantees of safety and health at work.

ISO 18295-1

The ISO 18295 is divided into two parts: ISO 18295-1:2017 specifies service requirements for customer contact centres (CCCs). The standard specifies a structure for each CCC interested in providing customer support, with services that aim to meet or exceed their expectations and needs in a constant and proactive manner. The standard addresses customer contact centers of all sizes, in-house and outsourced, across all industries and channels of interaction, including inbound and outbound. ISO 18295-1 specifies performance indicators (KPIs) where required.
ISO 18295-2:2017 specifies requirements for organisations using customer contact centre services. The objective of the standard is to ensure that customer expectations are continuously met through the provision and management of appropriate arrangements with customer contact centres which meet the requirements of ISO 18295-1. The standard is aimed at all contact centre customers of all sizes, sectors, in-house and outsourced, on multiple contact channels, including voice and non-voice media.

UNI/PdR 125:2022

Certification according to UNI/PdR 125:2022 supports organizations in promoting gender equality, transforming the corporate culture, confronting each other to build their strategic vision in a virtuous process, improving and enhancing individual and organizational performance, bringing out the variety of personal and professional characteristics in order to repropose and update the economy and corporate competitiveness. The UNI/PdR 125:2022 guideline recalls UNI ISO 30415:2021 “Human resource management: Diversity and inclusion”.